Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blogging out!!!

So, I tried to update my blog page.....I liked the black but I also wanted bursts of colour. I thought it would be easy, I mean in my family I'm the go-to-gal for computer problems. Comparatively speaking I'm a computer genius in my family, I've grown up using Microsoft because that's what we generally use in England. Realistically speaking I'm not amazing but I'm solid, so when I found the perfect blog theme on the Wordpress site I was unbelievably excited. I would describe it as seeing a fireworks display through short-sighted eyes, if your optically challenged like me you would understand. I thought it would be easy; click download here, click run there and ta-da, a wonderfully colourful blog theme. Wouldn't it be great if life worked that way a click here and there and your done. Well it didn't, instead I saw words like: html, php, Xml. What are these things, and why can't they be found in my Collins English dictionary????SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!

After a solid 24hrs of clicking anything and everything I settled on e-mailing everyone. Replies from my cousin in England included phrases like "I uninstalled my local server stuff so I can't even try trace steps"......aaaaaagghh!!! she was doing it too, I mean what the hell does that mean????At that point I seriously began to think that there was a conspiracy. My cousin in Ghana offered an escape from the world of html and notepad. Apparently there's some Xml rubbish stuck in there.

That was a week and a half ago and I have been waiting, waiting, waiting (sound familiar). My computer genius cousin apparently doesn't know how to open e-mails. I am giving up hope, I even tried to install Wordpress for like the third time. I can tell I'm getting pretty whiny, but it's hard to not be when you have your heart set on something. I went as far as asking my sister her opinion on a alternative theme and she chose something with sunflowers and some other pinkish flower...DO I SOUND LIKE THE FLOWERY TYPE!!! I give up, I'm gonna leave it black to represent my despair...I just filled in my yearly quota of overreactions and histrionics.

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