Saturday, January 29, 2011

The September Issue vol.1 chp 5 Robin who?

Robin Hood, that's who. He's forever engraved in our history for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, using a bow and arrow, at least according to Kevin Costner. The only thing I still don't get is why he couldn't put on a solid British accent instead of that posh American one. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't detract from the film; it held my attention from beginning to end, there was a solid cast and no one was tanned. But what's my point? My point is that I've decided to join the archery club at one of my schools. I was watching the film a couple of days ago and I remembered that Kyuudou (Japanese archery) was one of the 'things to-do' on my mental 'things to-do' list. I get a uniform, a bow and probably some arrows. I'm gonna be practicing with the kids, hopefully they won't beat me up and steal my lunch money.

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